All the Preparatory sohoku was shocked after what happened, nobody could believe their eyes looked...... even the Director Anzai was shocked, however, at that time all players had, even Speechless... Until you hear a Scream.
that Scream certainly react to othersSo the players run and even the Director of sohoku at his side. However, no Reaction, you see the fear in all present.
without thinking about what happens Next, take him to the hospital, the Director Anzai is the only one to go in the ambulance that did not permit the other. Other members of the team sohoku still desperately,With Tears in their eyes, they do not have a misfortune, and before long they desperately seek where it could be your partner. Haruko learns that it's on the second floor and communicates immediately, however denied the passage there are many, so can only pass One. After a Long discussion, they decide that Akagi among it.When the room was located is the Director Anzai with a look of Concern so that comes and asks for the boy, however he still knows nothing. A terrible Silence is installed in the room, but after a few minutes the teacher Anzai spoke to which the boy turns around to hear it.
- Sorry to put you through that, says Professor Anzai) - The really bad - looking at the floor with sadness. - What happened, says looking Front.
- up View, with eyes still Doubtful decides to tell
- after all. See the concern in his eyes, he gets nervous and says Hello Professor.
- Well, I said, looking at the floor - i'll tell you what they told me, this time is staring at him and thinking into the proper words and finally spoke.
while I was in the ambulance, The Vital Signs of decreased greatly, which frightened me very much.Of course, although the paramedics did everything possible in those times they were trying to stop the blood from the wound caused him when pushed with brutality during the Match. In those Moments, I took his hand and held it tightly, just at the time when we arrived at the hospital, but his heart stopped, after witnessing that I couldn't help crying.However without doing anything about it quickly came to the emergency room, I was in despair, once saw as revived immediately pulled me out of the place and since then I have not said anything...
- I Don't know what to say, says Akagi, eye to eye. The teacher gives him a look of anguish, just when I wanted to tell you something,Come Out for a table with an emergency patient. Both are surprised and they decide to run behind the Stretcher.
in Moments of emergency doors are wide open, his first impression was to go after the Stretcher, however behind the Stretcher the doctor leaves and the first thing is to see them seriously in the running Face.They saw him Stop Dry, his face full of doubts and some With Tears to point out, however, the teacher also Calms and Soothes his student and said: Tell Me Doctor
what happened with the boy - "Oh god, I hope there's something serious", think and I look to await a response. - Well, vera says Something FishyBreathe deeply, the look in the Eyes - which of you two is the family. - how? - The Professor says Leny.
I'm sorry but I can't tell you how is the patient, if you're not family. - but... - Doctor Akagi looks at the question - Why?
- is he Alone in these times, "says AnzaiLooking at the doctor, his mother is away for three months and we can't find her. - So come with me
- Professor goes with him to his office, not without telling Akagi to wait is that place. After about twenty minutes Professor Anzai leaves, with a face Sad which worries Akagi, minutes after the Teacher tells him everything he told the doctor.The Captain Of sohoku is surprised to hear that his partner, however it is really dedicated to him a look and the Coach decides to talk. - What are we gonna tell the guys must be desperate for News. The doctor also told me that can only receive a visit by day, the boys are going to tell you everything,After all, if we don't make them like they're going to find out, look to Akagi with decision - hopefully take maturely.
with a very serious face go out to meet with others. At that time all the players along with the team assistants are grouped around and throw thousands of questions,Professor Anzai Reassures them and begins to tell them what happened, detail by detail.
all are Petrified and Disturbed to hear what happened a few minutes ago, they don't believe it, even after hearing what happened they forget that thanks to his partner hospitalized, its Splendid Dive, they won against Kainan.
- the doctor told me that when he wakes up, you may not remember anything - Look your students with a Troubled Face, perhaps to help you with that. Outside of that item can have only one visit per day, before they take him to Tokyo to rehabilitation.
-....? - they all say the present Choir.
- that's gonna be in the hospital until he regains consciousness and then take him to Tokyo, because his body is really hurt - Professor noted that boys were going to ask More, and before that the site is removed with a SAD Face
... Without saying more withdrew, claiming Return in the afternoon to Watch him for the night. All are surprised,After a few moments, they decide that the first one will be the Captain Akagi.
after the doctor tell him it will be his first visit, a nurse runs to the room of your partner, your first impression when you see it is absolutely heartbreaking is stunned, her facial expression is indescribable, never thought to see him like that.Before his eyes was his friend completely motionless, not a single facial expression with a tube in the mouth, with a bandage on the head and a few more in the Arms and legs. Just listening to his Breathing, which becomes more terrible situation. Not knowing what to say bring a chair, approaching the look, and for all that he did for the team.No matter what your character, making him think that will face Fellow saw him in this State is so deplorable, closer to the Whispers something in their ears and then leaves.
as I had planned, when others saw no other face could not put the anguish and frustration at not being able to do something for it.However he was saddened to see that her sister was next in, had been waiting for two weeks, saw him go into the room, hoping for the best.
Haruko when entering the first thing he did was Cry To see him like this, could not contain her Tears, without a thought came to him, she took his hand and the first thing he said was his name.- God, I can't Believe It - look at the boy, pulled his hand without Crying, please, you can't do this to us, Wake Up - holding his hand SOB - wakey, Wakey, Sakuragi - Bent his face in bed - you promised me that you were going to be the best Basketball Player.
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