Ya habían pasado dos meses desde el accidente con Kainan, y Hanamichi  terjemahan - Ya habían pasado dos meses desde el accidente con Kainan, y Hanamichi  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ya habían pasado dos meses desde el

Ya habían pasado dos meses desde el accidente con Kainan, y Hanamichi Sakuragi aún no despertaba, sin embargo desde hace un mes que ya no necesita un respirador y la mayoría de sus heridas habían quedado curadas con excepción a la de la cabeza que aún continuaba con varios vendajes. Sin embargo sus compañeros aun lo visitaban con frecuencia…, su madre que había aparecido hace dos meses atrás decidió algo muy importante que no le iba a gustar a nadie, y tampoco a los amigos de su hijo, pues sin decirle a nadie ya había vendido su casa y comprado una en Tokio para que cuando su hijo se rehabilite ella este cerca de él.

Tras pasar dos meses y medio, un viernes, todos los compañeros de Sakuragi, también el ejercito de Sakuragi fueron a verlo, desde hace tiempo que le permitían visitas con muchas personas. Todos iban en conjunto cuando entraron a la habitación de él, algo les llamo la atención, el susodicho comenzaba a moverse frunciendo el ceño y tratando de mover los brazos y las piernas con mucho esfuerzo, con los ojos cerrados, todos corrieron a su lado llamándole por su nombre, entonces algo inusual ocurrió.

-Ahhh…, mi cabeza¡ - todo me da vueltas y no puedo ver bien – Auch¡… -me duelen mucho las manos las piernas, me cuesta mucho abrir los ojos.

-Sakuragi…, me oyes¡ - decía Haruko acercándose a él, de la misma forma los demás se acercaron alegres a su amigo.

Finalmente después de esforzarse mucho Hanamichi Sakuragi logro abrir los ojos, aunque cuando los abrió no veía absolutamente nada, cerro con fuerza los ojos pero solamente escuchaba murmullos de lo que parecían ser voces de personas entonces se dio cuenta de que no estaba solo, en un intento más cerro los ojos con fuerza para ver a un grupo de chicos y chicas que estaban a su lado, mirándolo como un bicho raro.

-Sakuragi… como estas? – dijo Haruko tratando de tocarle la frente.

-¿quién eres tú? – se sobresaltó a un lado para que no le tocara – y…,¿ quiénes son todos ustedes? – replico con voz asustada y furiosa.

-Pero que dices..¡ - dijo Miyagi – somos tus compañeros y amigos. A ver…- dijo atrayendo a Rukawa con él, hacia Sakuragi – tampoco te acuerdas de el – le miro desafiante – vamos Sakuragi.

-Y quién es ese tal Sakuragi?, que tanto lo mencionan – pregunto confundido.

-Eres tu tonto…! – Dijo Mitsui – Acaso no sabes quién eres y lo que paso.

Sakuragi no podía con todas esas emociones juntas la cabeza le daba vueltas y se tapaba con fuerzas los oídos y les grito que se fueran, pero como no se iban, palideció y en cuanto entro el doctor este se desmayó. En cuanto el doctor vio lo ocurrido les regaño y los expulso de la habitación de Sakuragi. Después de veinte minutos llego la madre de Sakuragi feliz por la noticia y les pidió a los presentes que se fueran, lo cual logro, todos se fueron.

Viendo lo ocurrido su madre no dudo en hacer lo planeado, que era llevárselo a Tokio, esa misma tarde quedo con el doctor para trasladarlo al centro de rehabilitación y le pidió de favor que no le diga a nadie su ubicación; con la excusa de que su hijo olvidara todo lo ocurrido, despertó a su hijo luego de empacar y le explico lo ocurrido, el lloro mucho al saber que su padre había muerto hace diez años; sabiendo eso su madre le convenció de que era mejor irse para olvidar todo y empezar de nuevo. El no titubeo ni un instante y le dijo que lo haría con la condición de vivir lejos por un año para luego volver, ella asintió complacida, ayudo a su hijo a levantarse y se fueron en un taxi, dejando todo atrás.

Todo el equipo que iban a visitarlo para explicarle lo ocurrido, fueron a preguntar a la recepción y se quedaron con la boca abierta al saber que la madre de Hanamichi se lo llevo sin decir nada, reclamaron aún más cuando no les querían decir donde le mandaron a rehabilitarse. Con mucha frustración todos iban saliendo en silencio, hasta que alguien rompió el silencio.

-Veo que cumplió con lo que dijo – todos voltearon para ver al profesor Anzai parado en frente suyo con una expresión seria, pero luego cambio a una sonrisa – muchachos se que Sakuragi se fue pero eso no significa que se pongan así estoy seguro de que estará bien, ya que esta con su madre…- todos lo miraron con tristeza y bajaron la vista al piso – sin embargo el no tiene la culpa, porque el no recuerda nada; por eso debió acceder tan fácilmente.

-Profesor…- dijo Akagi – que vamos a hacer ahora en el equipo, aunque no quiera admitirlo Sakuragi era importante para el equipo – miro directamente a los ojos al entrenador.

-No se preocupen pronto encontraremos una solución a esto – miro a los demás, estaban cabizbajos y con el rostro lleno de frustración – muchachos a partir de ahora debemos de trabajar muy duro, para llegar lejos.

-Siiii…! – Gritaron todos – confiamos en usted entrenador…- dijeron al unísono.

Desde aquel momento transcurrió, medio año y aun no sabían nada de él, se habían puesto a entrenar duro, se superaron bastante tanto físico como mentalmente. Rukawa era la estrella del equipo como lo supusieron y aun contaba con sus admiradoras RU, KA, WA, sin mencionar otras por ahí que también se morían por él. Miyagi, Mitsui, Akagi y todos los demás también mejoraron mucho, incluso perfeccionando sus puntos débiles, ya estaban listos para el Torneo Regional de Kanagawa.

En el inicio de los primeros partidos les toco jugar con un equipo bastante débil, por lo que ganaron 102-75 a favor de Sohoku, sin la necesidad de que participen los titulares así transcurrió todos los partidos, hasta que como finalistas quedaron:


Ese último les pareció raro que llegara tan lejos por lo que decidieron ir a ver el partido, por lo que ellos sabían se limitaban a una defensa fuerte pero a la defensiva eran débiles y además no contaban con jugadores poderosos.

Era el día sábado el dichoso partido, así que después del instituto, todos se reunieron en la estación de trenes, tomaron el tren que los llevaría a unos cuantos pasos del instituto de Ryonan. Ya todos dentro se sentaron cerca de ese equipo extraño para ver los cambios, tanto en los jugadores como en las estrategias, Rukawa también iba con ellos por la curiosidad. Sin más ni más los equipos comenzaron a salir.

-Por fin, ya están saliendo – dijo Ryota –miro a todos los jugadores de Takezono, sin embargo uno no le pareció para nada conocido – mirad chicos ese jugador no lo conozco, creo que es nuevo – dijo mirándolo atentamente.

- Es verdad yo tampoco lo conozco – dijo Mitsui, mirándolo y se dio cuenta de que traía el número diez en la espalda – vaya que casualidad…, chicos ese chico tiene el mismo número que Sakuragi – tras lo dicho se golpeó internamente pues, hace tiempo que decidieron no hablar de el.

- Tonto que no recuerdas lo que hablamos hace medio año – le golpeo Akagi a Mitsui en la cabeza.

- Ya paso tiempo, además se me salió sin querer – le miro con ojos de arrepentimiento – está bien lo siento – dijo mirando a otro lado, sin querer miro a Rukawa, este al notar su mirada, soltó un bufido.

- Chicos miren – Ayako les mostraba como el número diez calentaba de forma inusual, pero extrañamente familiar – en verdad parece ser especial, puesto que es muy ágil y habilidoso.

Todos la miraron expectantes, para luego ver al muchacho del que habla, y era cierto era habilidoso pero ni siquiera miraba al público, todos los integrantes del equipo querían ver su rostro pero no podían, porque tenía una gorra puesta, lo único que lograban ver era su cabello oscuro y era muy similar al de Rukawa, pero mantenían las esperanzas de que al comenzar el partido se lo quitaría pero no fue así.

Al parecer tenía muchas admiradoras, y todos los de su instituto lo apoyaban, pero no decían su nombre; sus gritos eran los de: "vamos número diez" , entonces el levantaba el dedo índice a modo de respuesta y todos enloquecían, mucho más sus admiradoras. Aun con el gorro puesto jugaba bastante bien. Sin embargo en un descuido Sendho lo empujo muy fuerte, por lo que su gorra salió volando, y el cayo debajo de la canasta.

-Lo siento, no pretendía empujarte, discúlpame – le ofreció su mano para pararse, además de una sonrisa.

-… - golpeo la mano de Sendho y le devolvió una mirada furiosa.

- Tampoco es para que me odies, por un empujón – le dijo, tomando su gorra para devolvérsela.

- … - él le arrebata la gorra de las manos y se la lleva consigo, se la da a un compañero, porque debe de tirar el tiro libre que le exigen.

- Vaya sujeto, me recuerda a Rukawa – diciendo eso se pone debajo de la canasta por si hay rebote.

- Número diez del equipo de Takezato, corresponde un tiro libre – dice el árbitro, mirando al muchacho.

- Sí.. – contesta este, tomando el balón en sus manos, pero su posición sorprende a los de Sohoku.

- Esa no es la posición en la que lanzaba Sakuragi - dice Miyagi. Acto seguido el muchacho encesta limpiamente, con eso finaliza el primer tiempo, todos quedan sorprendidos.

Al encestar el equipo de Takezato se lanza a felicitarlo, y por primera vez en todo el partido se le puede ver la cara al muchacho, el equipo de Sohoku no sabe que decir, porque la verdad les resulta familiar, todos ellos sienten esa sensación, pero no dicen nada.

Pronto escuchan decir a las chicas de sus espaldas, "es muy atractivo", y también varios suspiros no se hacen esperar, los chicos del Sohoku se caen de espaldas.

En los comienzos de la segunda parte el número diez anoto todas las canastas, todos se emocionaron, sin embargo el hizo algo inusual, al lado de los bancas de descanso hizo el paso al revés de Michael Jackson con los pies para después dar un giro y quedar de puntitas y después quedarse parado con las piernas cruzadas al igual que los brazos con la gorra un poco hacia abajo. Al ver eso la multitud enloqueció para después escuchar murmullos de: " es la primera vez que el número diez pone atención al público que lo apoya, debe estar disfrutando mucho
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It had already been two months since the accident with Oarai and Hanamichi Sakuragi still not woke up, however since a month ago that it no longer needs a respirator and most of his wounds had been healed with the exception of the head that still continued with several bandages. However his companions even visited it frequently..., his mother who had appeared two months ago decided to something very important that was not going to like anybody, and not to your child's friends, without telling anyone already had sold his house and bought one in Tokyo so that when your child is rehabilitate it this close to him.After spending two months and a half, a Friday, all partners of Sakuragi, also the army of Sakuragi went to see him, for a time which allowed him visits with many people. All were together when they entered the room, something I call them attention, the above began to move frowning and trying to move arms and legs with great effort, with eyes closed, all rushed to their side by calling him by his name, then something unusual happened.-Ahhh..., my head - everything turns to me and I can not see well - Auch... - I hurt a lot hands legs, I can hardly wake up.!-Sakuragi, hear me-he said Haruko approaching him, in the same way others approached glad his friend.!Finally after much strive Hanamichi Sakuragi managed to open eyes, but when she opened them she saw absolutely nothing, Hill with force the eyes but I only listened to murmurs of what seemed to be voices of people then realized that was not only, in an attempt to more Hill eyes vigorously to see a group of boys and girls who were at his side looking at him like a freak.-Sakuragi... How are you? -He said Haruko trying to touch your forehead.-who are you? -started out so not to touch him - and, who are all of you? -I replied with a scared and angry voice.- But you say... -said Miyagi - we are your colleagues and friends. To see...-said drawing Rukawa, to Sakuragi - nor do you remember of-you look at challenging--will Sakuragi.- And who is this such Sakuragi?, both mentioned it - asked confused.-You're your fool...! -He said Mitsui - Just in case you don't know who you are and what happened.Sakuragi could not with all those emotions together head gave turns and covered with forces the ears and yell them to go, but as they would not, he turned pale and as soon as I enter the doctor this fainted. When the doctor saw what happened scolding them and cast out them of the room of Sakuragi. After twenty minutes I get the mother of Sakuragi happy at the news and it asked those present to go, which achievement, all moved.Seeing what happened to his mother did not hesitate to make the plan, which was to take him to Tokyo, that same later stayed with the doctor to move it to the rehabilitation center and asked him please to not tell anyone its location; with the excuse that his son will forget everything that happened, he woke up his son after packing and I explain what happened, crying much knowing that his father had died ten years ago; knowing that his mother convinced him that it was better going to forget everything and start again. He not stagger a moment you told him that you would do with the condition of living away for one year then, she nodded pleased, help your child to get up and they were in a taxi, leaving everything behind.…The staff who were going to visit him to explain what happened, went to ask to the reception and were left with their mouths open to know that the mother of Dr. took him without saying anything, claimed even more when they didn't let them tell him where sent to be rehabilitated. With much frustration all went out in the silence, until someone broke the silence.-I see that it complied with what he said - everyone turned to see the Professor Anzai stood in front of you with a serious expression, but then I shift to a smile - boys is that Sakuragi was but that does not mean that they put as well I am sure that it will be well, already this with your mother...-everyone looked at him with sadness and fell to floor view - however not to blame , because not remember anything; so it must have been so easily accessible.-Professor...-Akagi - we are going to do now on the computer, but don't want to admit it said Sakuragi was important for the team - look directly into your eyes to the coach.-Do not worry soon find a solution to this - look at others, they were sweet and with his face full of frustration - boys now must work very hard, to get away.-Yeahhhh...! -Cried all - hope you coach...-they said in unison.…Since that time passed, half a year and yet they knew nothing of it, had been to train hard, be exceeded fairly both physically and mentally. Rukawa was the star of the team as they supposed it and even had his fans, KA, WA, not to mention others out there who also died by it. Miyagi, Mitsui, Akagi, and everyone else also improved greatly, even perfecting its weaknesses, were already ready for the Regional tournament in Kanagawa.At the start of the first matches play it play a weak team, so it won 102-75 in favour of Sohoku, without the involvement of the holders as well took all parties, for as finalists were:-SOHOKU vs. OARAI... and...-RYONAN vs. TAKEZATOThis last it seemed weird to come so far so they decided to go to watch the game, by which they knew were limited to a strong defense but defensively were weak and did not also have powerful players.On Saturday it was the damn party, which after the Institute, all gathered at the train station, took the train that would take them to a few steps from the Institute of Ryonan. All within already sat near this equipment that is strange to see the changes, both in players and strategies, Rukawa also went with them for curiosity. Without more and more teams began to run.-Finally, are already coming out - said Ryota - look at every player of Takezono, however one did not seem to him to nothing known - see guys that player do not know, I think that he said is new - looking at it carefully.-Is truth I do not know him - said Mitsui, looking at it and realized that wore the number ten on his back - go chance, guys this guy has the same number that Sakuragi - after this is struck internally as, makes time who decided to not speak of the.-Silly you don't remember what you talked about six months ago - I hit you Akagi to Mitsui in the head.-Ya step time, also I got unwittingly - look you with eyes of repentance - Okay sorry - he said looking to the other side, without wanting to look to Rukawa, this to notice his eyes, gave a blow.-Boys look - Ayako showed them as the number ten was of unusual form, but strangely familiar - indeed seems to be special, since it is very agile and skillful.All looked at her expectantly, to then see the boy of the speaker, and it was true he was skilled but not even looked to the public, all members of the team wanted to see her face but could not, because I had a start cap, all that were able to see was her dark hair and was very similar to the Rukawa, but maintained hopes that by starting the party would remove it is but did not.Apparently had many admirers, and all his Institute supported him, but do not say his name; their cries were the of: "we number ten", then the rising index finger response and all simply, much more his fans. Even with the CAP since I played pretty well. However inadvertently Sendho pushed it very hard, so his cap went flying, and the key under the basket.-Sorry, I didn't intend to push you, excuse me - offered his hand to stand, as well as a smile.-... - I hit the hand of Sendho and returned him a furious look.-Nor is it that hate me by a push - he said, taking his cap to return it.-... - He snatches CAP's hands and it brings with it, it is given a partner, because you must shoot the free throw that require it.-Go subject, reminds me of Rukawa - saying that gets under the basket if there is rebound.-Number ten of the Takezato team, corresponds a Freekick - says the referee, watching the boy.-Yes... -answers this, taking the ball in their hands, but their position is surprising to the Sohoku.-That is not the position in which throwing Sakuragi - Miyagi says. Then the boy shoots cleanly, that completes the first time, all are surprised.The Dunk Takezato team launches to congratulate him, and for the first time in all the party can be face boy, Sohoku team not known to say, because the truth is familiar, all they feel that feeling, but say nothing.Soon they hear tell the girls of their backs, "it's very attractive," and also several sighs are not made to wait, the guys at the Sohoku fall back.At the beginning of the second part the number ten scored all the baskets, everyone is excited, however the did something unusual, beside the pews of rest made the step contrary to Michael Jackson with feet to then make a turn and stay in puntitas and then get stuck with legs crossed like cap with arms slightly downward. To see that the crowd went mad after hearing murmurs of: "is the first time that the number ten pays attention to the public who supports it, should be enjoying much"
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
It had been two months since the accident Kainan and not wake Hanamichi Sakuragi, but a month ago it no longer needs a respirator and most of his wounds had been cured except the head still continued various bandages. But even his colleagues visited him often ... his mother had appeared two months ago decided something very important not going to like anybody, nor the friends of his son, who without telling anyone had sold and bought a home in Tokyo to rehabilitate child when she is near him. After two and a half months, a Friday, all fellow Sakuragi Sakuragi's army also came to him, for some time it allowed visits to many people. All were together when they entered his room, something caught their attention, the above began to move frowning and trying to move his arms and legs with great effort, with closed eyes, all rushed to his side calling by name, then something unusual happened. Ahhh ... my cabeza¡ - everything is spinning and I can not see well -. Auch¡ ... -I really hands hurt legs, I can hardly open my eyes -Sakuragi ... oyes¡ me - he said Haruko approaching him, just as others approached his friend happy. Finally after much effort Sakuragi Hanamichi managed to open his eyes, but when he opened not see a thing, shut his eyes but only heard whispers of what appeared to be voices of people then realized he was not alone, in another attempt to shut his eyes tight for a group of boys and girls who were at his side, looking like a freak . -Sakuragi ... how are you? -. Haruko trying to touch his face said 'Who are you? - He jumped aside not to touch him - and ... who are you all? - Replied in a frightened and angry voice. But that dices..¡ - Miyagi said - we are your friends and colleagues. Let's see ... - You said Rukawa attracting him towards Sakuragi - not you remember the - I look challenging - we Sakuragi. And who is this guy ?, Sakuragi both mentioned it -. wonder confused you're stupid ...! - Said Mitsui - Do not you know who you are and what happened. Sakuragi could not with all these emotions together head was spinning and he covered with forces ears and shout them to leave, but as they did not leave, blanched and As the doctor walked passed this. As soon as the doctor saw what happened to them scolding and banned from the room Sakuragi. After twenty minutes came the mother happy Sakuragi by the news and asked those present to leave, which achievement, everyone left. Seeing what his mother thought I would not hesitate to do the plan, which was to take him to Tokyo, that afternoon I meet the doctor to transfer to a rehabilitation center and asked him please not to tell anyone their location; with the excuse that his son forget everything that happened, he woke up his son after packing and explain what happened, weeping much to learn that his father had died ten years ago; knowing that his mother convinced him it was better to go to forget everything and start again. He did not hesitate for a moment and said he would do with the condition live away for a year and then return, she nodded pleased, help your child to get up and left in a taxi, leaving everything behind. ... All equipment who visited him to explain what happened, went to ask the front desk, and were left with their mouths open to know that the mother of Hanamichi took him without saying anything, demanded even more when they did not mean them where he was sent to rehabilitation. With much frustration all went out in silence, until someone broke the silence. I see that fulfilled what he said - everyone turned to see Professor Anzai stopped in front of him with a serious expression, but then changed to a smile - boys Sakuragi went but that does not mean it and put'm sure he'll be fine, as this with his mother ... - everyone looked sadly and looked down to the floor - however not to blame, because no remember anything; so he had access easily. Professor ... - said Akagi - that we do now in the team, but does not want to admit Sakuragi was important for the team. - I looked straight into the eyes of trainer Do not worry we will soon find a solution this - I look to others, were downcast, his face filled with frustration - Boys from now we must work very hard to get away. -Siiii ...! - They shouted all - trust you coach ... - said in unison. ... From that moment he spent half a year and even did not know anything about him, had been made ​​to train hard, they were overcome quite physically and mentally. Rukawa was the star of the team as he was supposed to and even had its admirers UK, KA, WA, not to mention others out there who also died for him. Miyagi, Mitsui, Akagi and all the others also improved a lot, even perfecting their weaknesses, they were ready for the Regional Tournament Kanagawa. At the beginning of the first games I had to play with a very weak team, which won 102 -75 for Sohoku, without the need to involve the owners and spent all parties until finalists were: -SOHOKU vs. Kainan ... and ... ..- Ryonan vs. TAKEZATO That last seemed strange to get this far so decided to go watch the game, so they knew were limited to a strong defense but defensively they were weak and it did not have powerful players. It was the day Saturday happy game, so after high school, everyone gathered in the station, they took the train that would take a few steps Ryonan Institute. We all sat around in this strange computer to see the changes, both players and strategies, Rukawa also went with them out of curiosity. Without more teams began to leave. 'At last, are already out - said Ryota looked at all the players Takezono, yet one did not seem at all familiar - look guys that player do not know, I think it is New - said looking carefully. - It's true I do not know him - said Mitsui, watching and realized that brought the number ten on the back - go that chance ... guys that guy has the same number as Sakuragi - after that he hit internally therefore long ago decided not to talk about it. - Tonto do not remember what we talked half a year ago - will hit Akagi to Mitsui in the head. - I spend time also I came without meaning - I look with repentance eyes - okay sorry - said looking away, not wanting to look at Rukawa, this noticing his gaze, he snorted. - Guys look - Ayako showed them as the number ten unusually warm, but strangely familiar - really seems to be special, since it is very agile and skilled. Everyone looked expectantly, only to see the boy who speaks, and it was true he was skillful but not even looking to the public, all members of the team wanted to see his face but they could not, because he had a cap on, all I managed to see was his dark hair and was very similar to Rukawa, but kept the hope that the beginning of the match will take it off but did not. Apparently he had many admirers and all supporters of the institute, but did not say his name; their cries were those of "going number ten," then he raised his index finger in reply and everyone went crazy, much more his fans. Even with his cap playing pretty well. However, in a Sendho neglect I push very hard, so his cap flew off and he fell under the basket. 'Sorry, did not mean to push you, excuse me - he offered his hand to stand, along with a smile. - ... - hit the hand of Sendho and gave him a glare. - Nor is it for you to hate me, for a push - he said, taking his cap to give it back. - ... - he snatches the hat hands and takes with it, he gives it to a teammate, because it must shoot free throw that require it. - Go subject reminds me Rukawa - saying that is placed under the basket for a possible rebound. - Number ten from team Takezato, corresponds a free kick - the referee says, looking at the boy. - Yes .. - answer this, taking the ball in his hands, but his position of Sohoku surprises. - That is not the position in throwing Sakuragi - he says Miyagi. Then the boy dunks cleanly, with that ends the first time, everyone is surprised. To score the team Takezato is released to congratulate him, and for the first time in the match he can see the face of the boy, the team Sohoku not know what to say, because the truth is familiar, they all feel that feeling, but say nothing. Soon listen to the girls on their backs, "is very attractive" and also several sighs do not expect the kids the Sohoku fall back. At the beginning of the second half the number ten scored all the baskets, everyone was excited, but he did something unusual, next to the banks of rest he did step backwards with Michael Jackson feet and then turn around and be on tiptoe and then stand still with folded arms as his cap down a little legs. Seeing that the crowd went wild and then hear murmurs, "is the first time the number ten places to the public that supports it, you should be enjoying it

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