Toda la preparatoria de Sohoku estaba conmocionada después de lo suced terjemahan - Toda la preparatoria de Sohoku estaba conmocionada después de lo suced Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Toda la preparatoria de Sohoku esta

Toda la preparatoria de Sohoku estaba conmocionada después de lo sucedido, nadie podía creer lo que sus ojos presenciaban… Incluso el director Anzai estaba conmocionado..., sin embargo en esos momentos todos, incluso los jugadores habían quedado sin habla… Hasta que se escucha un grito.

Ese grito sin duda hace reaccionar a los demás, de modo que los jugadores corren e incluso el director de Sohoku corren a su lado. Sin embargo el no reacciona, se ve el miedo en todos los presentes.

Sin pensar en lo que ocurra a continuación, lo llevan al hospital, el director Anzai es el único que va en la ambulancia ya que no se lo permiten a los demás.

Los demás integrantes del equipo de Sohoku lo siguen desesperadamente, con lágrimas en los ojos esperan que no pase una desgracia, sin tardar mucho llegan y desesperadamente buscan donde podría estar su compañero. Haruko se entera que está en el segundo piso y se los comunica inmediatamente, sin embargo les niegan el paso ya que son muchos, de modo que solo puede pasar uno.

Tras una larga discusión deciden que Akagi entre a buscarlo. Cuando Akagi ubica la habitación encuentra al director Anzai con un semblante preocupante, de modo que se acerca y le pregunta por el muchacho, sin embargo el aún no sabe nada. Un silencio horrible se instala en la sala, pero después de unos minutos el profesor Anzai habla a lo cual el muchacho voltea para escucharlo.

- Siento mucho haberlos hecho pasar por esto- (dice el profesor Anzai) – el realmente está muy mal- dice mirando al piso con tristeza.

- Que fue lo que paso – dice el mirándolo de frente.

- El levanta la vista, todavía con ojos dudosos decide contarle todo.

- Tras ver la inquietud de sus ojos se pone nervioso y le dice- dígame profesor.

- Bueno pues veras – dice mirando al piso – te diré lo me dijeron – en esta ocasión se le queda mirando como pensando en las palabras adecuadas y al fin habla.

Mientras que yo iba en la ambulancia, los signos vitales de él, bajaron enormemente lo cual me asusto mucho, por supuesto los paramédicos hicieron todo lo posible aunque en esos momentos trataban de parar la sangre que provenía de la herida que le provocaron cuando lo empujaron con brutalidad durante el partido.

En esos momentos cogí sus manos y las sostuve con fuerza, justo en esos momentos llegamos al hospital, pero cuando bajamos su corazón se detuvo, tras presenciar eso no pude evitar llorar. Sin embargo sin hacer nada al respecto lo ingresaron rápidamente a la sala de urgencias, lo seguía con desesperación, tras llegar vi como lo reanimaban, inmediatamente me sacaron del lugar y desde ese momento no me han dicho nada…

- No sé que decir – dice Akagi, mirándolo a los ojos. El profesor le devuelve la mirada con una de angustia, justo cuando quería decirle algo, ven salir una camilla con un paciente de urgencias. Ambos se sorprenden y deciden correr detrás de la camilla.


En esos momentos las puertas de urgencias se abren de par en par, su primera impresión fue la de ir tras la camilla, sin embargo detrás de la camilla el medico sale y lo primero que hace al verlos correr es detenerlos con seriedad en el rostro. Ellos al verlo se detienen en seco y con el rostro lleno de dudas y con algunas lágrimas a punto de salir, sin embargo el profesor se tranquiliza y también calma a su alumno y dice:

- Dígame doctor que paso con el muchacho¡ - "oh por dios espero que no haya pasado algo grave", piensa y lo mira a espera de una respuesta.

- Bueno pues vera – dice algo dudoso, respira profundamente los mira a los ojos – quien de ustedes dos es el familiar.

- ¿cómo? – dice el profesor Anzai.

- Lo siento pero no puedo decirles como está el paciente si ustedes no son los familiares.

- Pero… - Akagi mira al médico con duda - ¿porque?

- Él está solo en estos momentos – dice Anzai, mirando al médico – su madre está de viaje por tres meses y no tenemos como ubicarla.

- Siendo así venga conmigo – el profesor se dirige con él a su oficina, no sin antes decirle a Akagi que lo espere es ese lugar.

Después de unos veinte minutos el profesor Anzai sale, con un rostro triste lo cual preocupa a Akagi, minutos después el profe le cuenta todo lo que le dijo el médico. El capitán de Sohoku se sorprende al escuchar lo que acaba de decir de su compañero, sin embargo se pone serio le dedica una mirada al entrenador y decide hablar.

- Que vamos a decirles a los muchachos, deben estar desesperados por noticias.

- El medico también me dijo que solamente puede recibir una visita por día, en cuanto a los muchachos vamos a contarles todo, después de todo si no lo hacemos ellos de igual forma se van a enterar – mira a Akagi con decisión – esperemos que lo tomen maduramente.

Con un rostro totalmente serio salen a su encuentro con los demás. En esos momentos todos los jugadores junto a las asistentes del equipo se agrupan a su alrededor y lanzan miles de preguntas, el profesor Anzai los tranquiliza y les empieza a contar lo ocurrido detalle por detalle.

Todos quedan petrificados y perturbados al escuchar lo acontecido hace unos instantes, no pueden creerlo, tras escuchar lo ocurrido inclusive se les olvida que gracias a su compañero hospitalizado, a su magnífico clavado, ellos ganaron ante Kainan.

- - También el médico me dijo que cuando despierte es muy posible que no recuerde nada – mira sus estudiantes con un rostro perturbado – tal vez tengan que ayudarlo con eso. Fuera de ese tema solo puede tener una visita por día, antes de que se lo lleven a rehabilitación a Tokio.

- - Que….? – dicen todos los presentes a coro.

- Así es estará en el hospital hasta que recobre el conocimiento y después se lo llevaran a Tokio, pues su cuerpo está muy lastimado - El profesor nota que los muchachos iban a preguntarle más y antes de que eso ocurra se retira del lugar con el rostro triste.


Sin decir más se retira, afirmando que volverá por la tarde para cuidarlo por la noche. Todos quedan sorprendidos, tras estar así unos instantes, deciden que el primero que entre será el capitán Akagi.

Después de comunicarle al médico que él será su primera visita, una enfermera lo dirige a la habitación de su compañero, su primera impresión al verlo es totalmente desgarradora se queda atónito, la expresión de su rostro es indescriptible, nunca pensó verlo así. Ante sus ojos se encontraba su amigo totalmente inmóvil, ni una sola expresión facial, con un tubo en la boca, con vendajes en toda la cabeza y unas cuantas mas en los brazos y en las piernas. Su respiración apenas se escucha lo cual vuelve más terrible la situación.

Sin saber que decir trae una silla, se acerca a el, y lo mira pensando en lo mucho que el hizo por el equipo, sin importar como fue su carácter.., , lo cual le hace pensar que cara pondrán sus compañeros al verlo en ese estado tan deplorable, se acerca un poco a el le susurra algo en los oídos y después sale.

Tal y como lo había previsto, cuando los demás lo vieron no pudieron poner otra cara que no sea la de angustia y frustración al no tener la posibilidad de hacer algo por el. Sin embargo lo que más le entristeció fue ver que su hermana era la siguiente en entrar, había estado esperando durante dos semanas, la vio dirigirse hacia la habitación, esperando lo mejor.

Haruko al entrar lo primero que hizo fue llorar al verlo así, no pudo contener sus lágrimas, sin pensarlo se acercó a él, cogió su mano y lo primero que dijo fue su nombre.

- - Por dios no lo puedo creer – miro al muchacho, apretó su mano sin dejar de llorar – por favor, no nos puedes hacer esto, despierta...¡ - sollozo agarrando su mano – despierta...¡ despierta...¡…Sakuragi – inclino su rostro en la cama - tú me prometiste que ibas a ser el mejor jugador de básquet.
Dari: -
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
All Sohoku high school was shocked after what happened, no one could believe what their eyes witnessed... Even director Anzai was shocked..., however in all those moments, even the players had been speechless... Until a cry is heard.That cry no doubt makes react to others, so that the players run and even the director of Sohoku run by his side. However no react, you see fear in everyone.Without thinking about what happens then, take him to the hospital, director Anzai is the only one that goes in the ambulance as it do not allow it to others.The other members of the Sohoku team follow him desperately, with tears in his eyes waiting to pass not a disgrace, without take a long time to arrive and desperately seek where its companion might be. Haruko learns that it is on the second floor and communicates with them immediately, however they denied passage because they are many, so that you can only pass one.After a long discussion decided that Akagi to look for it. When Akagi located room to director Anzai meets a worrisome countenance that approaches and asks him for the boy, however the still does not know anything. A horrible silence is installed in the room, but after a few minutes the Professor Anzai speaks to which the boy turns to listen to it.-I feel much have made to go through this - (says the Professor Anzai) - the really is very bad - he says staring at the floor with sadness.-That was what happened, - says the looking from the front.-He looks up, still with doubtful eyes decides to tell him all.-After seeing the concern in his eyes he gets nervous and says you - tell me teacher.-Well as veras - says staring at the floor - I'll tell you what told me - this time stays it looking as thinking of the right words and finally speaks.While I was in the ambulance, vital signs, fell greatly which I scared much, of course the paramedics did their best even though at the time they tried to stop the blood that came from the wound that caused him when they pushed him brutally during the match.In those moments, I grabbed his hands and I had them with force, just at the time we arrived at the hospital, but when we got your heart stopped, after witnessing that I couldn't help but cry. However without doing anything about it entered it quickly to the emergency room, I followed him with despair, after I saw how they reanimaban it, I immediately took place and since then have not said anything...-Don't say - says Akagi, looking him in the eye. The teacher returned the look with one of anguish, just when I wanted to say something, come get a stretcher with a patient's emergency. Both surprised and decide to run behind the stretcher....In those moments of emergency doors open wide, his first impression was the go after the stretcher, however behind the stretcher the doctor comes out and the first thing that makes seeing them run is to stop them seriously in the face. They saw it they stop dry and with his face full of doubts and with some tears to point out, however Professor is reassuring and also calms his pupil and says:-Tell me doctor what happened to the boy-"oh god I hope that something serious has happened", think and look at it to wait for a response.!-Good as vera - says something dubious, take a deep breath of the look in the eyes - who of you two is the family.-How? -says Professor Anzai.-Sorry but I can not tell you as it is the patient if you are not family members.- But... - Akagi looks at the doctor with questions - is it because?-It is only in these moments - says Anzai, looking at the doctor - his mother are travelling for three months and we don't have as place it.-So come with me - the Professor goes with him to his office, but not before tell Akagi to wait it is that place.After twenty minutes the Professor Anzai leaves, with a sad face which the teacher concerned Akagi, minutes later tells her everything you told her the doctor. Captain Sohoku is shocked to hear what he has just said, fellow, but gets seriously dedicated a look to the coach and decides to talk.-That we are going to say to the boys, they must be desperate for news.-The doctor also told me that it can only receive a visit per day, as the boys we will tell them everything, after all if we do not do them in the same way they will find - look at Akagi with decision - we hope to take it maturely.With a completely serious face out to meet with each other. At that time all the players together with the participants of the team are grouped to her around and release thousands of questions, Professor Anzai reassures them and starts them counting detail-by-detail what happened.All are petrified and disturbed to hear what happened a few moments ago, they can't believe it, after hearing what happened even forget it that thanks to her hospitalized partner, to his magnificent nailing, they won before Oarai.-Also the doctor told me that when you wake up it is likely to not remember anything - see students with a face disturbed - perhaps have to help you with that. Outside of that single subject you can have a visit per day, until they take Tokyo rehabilitation.-That...? -they say everyone choir.-So will be in the hospital until you regain the knowledge and then they take him to Tokyo, because your body is very hurt - Professor note that boys would ask more and before that happens is removed from the place with the sad face....Without saying more removed, claiming that he will return in the afternoon to care for him at night. All are surprised, so after a few moments, they decide that the first to come will be the captain of Akagi.After you tell the doctor that he will be her first visit, a nurse directs it to the room of your companion, your first impression to see it is completely heartbreaking is stunned, the expression of his face is indescribable, I never thought to see it as well. Before their eyes was his friend completely still, not a single facial expression, with a tube in the mouth, with bandages all over the head and a few more in the arms and legs. His breathing is barely heard which returns more terrible the situation.Without knowing that say brings a Chair, approaches to, and look at it thinking about how much that the made by the team, no matter how it was his character..., which makes you think that face will get peers to see him in that such deplorable state, approaches a little to the it whispers something in your ears and then leaves.As had been planned, when others saw it could not put another face than anguish and frustration to not be able to do something that for the. However what most saddened him was to see that her sister was the next to come, had been waiting for two weeks, he saw her go into the room, hoping for the best.Haruko entering the first thing he did was cry to see it as well, could not contain her tears, without thinking about what approached him, grabbed his hand and the first thing he said was his name.-By God I can't believe it - look at the boy, squeezed his hand without stop crying - please not we can do this, awake...-Sob, holding your hand - awake... wake up......! Sakuragi - lean his face on the bed - you promised me that you were going to be the best basketball player.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
All Sohoku high school was shocked after what happened, no one could believe what his eyes witnessed ... Even the director was shocked ... Anzai, but in all those moments, even players were left speechless ... Until you hear a cry. This cry certainly reacted to others, so that the players run and even the director of Sohoku are at your side. However not react, fear is present in all. Without thinking about what happens then taken to the hospital, the director Anzai is the only one going in the ambulance and they are not allowed to others. The other team members follow Sohoku desperately, with tears in their eyes hope does not happen a disgrace, before long reach and desperately looking where I could be your companion. Haruko finds out who is on the second floor and communicates immediately, however denied passage because they are many, so you can only pass one. After a long discussion between Akagi decide to look. When the room is located Akagi director Anzai with a disturbing face, so that comes up and asks the boy, however he knows nothing yet. An awful silence settles in the room, but after a few minutes talking to the teacher Anzai which the boy turns to listen. - I'm sorry to have put you through this- (says Professor Anzai) - he really is very badly says staring at the floor sadly. - That was what happened - says facing him. - He looks up, still doubtful eyes decides to tell everything. - After seeing the concern in his eyes he gets nervous and he says tell Professor . - Well really - says looking at the floor - I'll tell you what I was told. - this time it looks at him as thinking of the right words and finally speaks While I was in the ambulance, vital signs him down greatly which it scared me a lot, of course paramedics did their best but at that time were trying to stop the blood coming from the wound that provoked when they pushed him brutally during the match. At that time I took his hands and held them hard, just at the time we reached the hospital, but when we got her heart stopped, after witnessing that I could not help but mourn. However without doing anything about it they admitted quickly to the emergency room, I was in despair, after arriving I saw it revived, they immediately took me out of the place and since then have not told me anything ... - Do not know what to say - says Akagi, looking into his eyes. The professor stares back with anguish, just as he wanted to say something, come out a stretcher with a patient emergency. Both are surprised and decide to run behind the stretcher. ... At that time the emergency doors are opened wide, his first impression was to go after the stretcher, but behind the stretcher and medical leave the first thing is to stop them running seriously in the face. They saw him stop in his tracks and his face full of doubts and tears to come out, but the teacher is reassured and calm his pupil and said: - Tell me what has happened to Dr. muchacho¡ - "oh god I hope you have not missed something serious, "thinks and looks to waiting for an answer. - Well vera - says something dubious, deeply breathe looks into her eyes - which of you two is the family. - How? - Says Professor Anzai. - I'm sorry but I can not tell you how the patient is if you are not family. - But ... - Akagi looks doctor with questions - why? - He's just right now - says Anzai, looking doctor - her mother is away for three months and do not have as locate. - Being so come with me -. the teacher goes with him to his office, not without telling him wait Akagi is that place After about twenty Professor Anzai minutes out, with a sad face which worries Akagi, minutes after the teacher tells everything the doctor said. Sohoku captain is surprised to hear what he just said his companion, however gets serious devotes a look at the coach and decides to talk. - That will tell the boys, must be desperate for news. - The doctor also he said he can only receive one visit per day, as the boys will tell them everything, after all if we do not they likewise will find out - look at Akagi decisively - hopefully take it maturely. With a completely straight face out to meet with others. In those moments all the players together at Team assistants are grouped around and throw thousands of questions, Professor Anzai reassures them and start counting detail by detail what happened. Everyone is petrified and disturbed to hear about what happened makes moments can not believe it, after hearing what happened even they forget that thanks to his hospital, his magnificent dive, partner they won against Kainan. - - Also the doctor told me that when he wakes up is likely not remember anything - look students with a disturbed face - may have to help with that. Outside this subject can only have one visit per day, before take him to rehab to Tokyo. - - That ....? - Tell everyone to chorus. - This is will be in the hospital until they regain consciousness and then take him to Tokyo, as his body is badly hurt - Professor notes that the boys were going to ask more and before that Place happen is removed with a sad face. ... Without saying more is removed, claiming that back in the afternoon to take care at night. All are surprised, and after spending a few moments, they decide that the first to enter will captain Akagi. After tell the doctor that he will be his first visit, a nurse goes to the room of his neighbor, your first impression is to see totally heartbreaking is stunned, the expression on his face is indescribable, he never thought see it. Before his eyes his friend perfectly still, not a single facial expression, with a pipe in his mouth, with bandages all over the head and a few more in the arms and legs was. Her breath barely hear which becomes more terrible situation. Not knowing what to say brings a chair, approaches to it, and looks at thinking how much he did for the team, no matter how was your character .., which makes you think face lay their peers to see him in that deplorable state, approaches a little the whispers in the ears and then goes out. I had As expected, when others saw it could not put another than face the anguish and frustration of not having the ability to do something. But what he sad was seeing that his sister was the next to go, had been waiting for two weeks, saw her go into the room, hoping for the best. Haruko to come first thing he did was mourn to see it, not He could hold back her tears, without thinking approached him, grabbed his hand and the first thing he said was his name. - - For god I can not believe - looked at the boy, squeezed his hand still mourn - please, not us you can do this, wake up ... - sob clutching his hand - wake up ... wake up ... ... Sakuragi - I tilted her face in bed - you promised me you were going to be the best basketball player.

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
All the Preparatory sohoku was shocked after what happened, nobody could believe their eyes looked...... even the Director Anzai was shocked, however, at that time all players had, even Speechless... Until you hear a Scream.

that Scream certainly react to othersSo the players run and even the Director of sohoku at his side. However, no Reaction, you see the fear in all present.

without thinking about what happens Next, take him to the hospital, the Director Anzai is the only one to go in the ambulance that did not permit the other. Other members of the team sohoku still desperately,With Tears in their eyes, they do not have a misfortune, and before long they desperately seek where it could be your partner. Haruko learns that it's on the second floor and communicates immediately, however denied the passage there are many, so can only pass One. After a Long discussion, they decide that Akagi among it.When the room was located is the Director Anzai with a look of Concern so that comes and asks for the boy, however he still knows nothing. A terrible Silence is installed in the room, but after a few minutes the teacher Anzai spoke to which the boy turns around to hear it.

- Sorry to put you through that, says Professor Anzai) - The really bad - looking at the floor with sadness. - What happened, says looking Front.

- up View, with eyes still Doubtful decides to tell

- after all. See the concern in his eyes, he gets nervous and says Hello Professor.

- Well, I said, looking at the floor - i'll tell you what they told me, this time is staring at him and thinking into the proper words and finally spoke.
while I was in the ambulance, The Vital Signs of decreased greatly, which frightened me very much.Of course, although the paramedics did everything possible in those times they were trying to stop the blood from the wound caused him when pushed with brutality during the Match. In those Moments, I took his hand and held it tightly, just at the time when we arrived at the hospital, but his heart stopped, after witnessing that I couldn't help crying.However without doing anything about it quickly came to the emergency room, I was in despair, once saw as revived immediately pulled me out of the place and since then I have not said anything...

- I Don't know what to say, says Akagi, eye to eye. The teacher gives him a look of anguish, just when I wanted to tell you something,
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