All the Preparatory sohoku was shocked after what happened, nobody could believe their eyes looked...... even the Director Anzai was shocked, however, at that time all players had, even Speechless... Until you hear a Scream.
that Scream certainly react to othersSo the players run and even the Director of sohoku at his side. However, no Reaction, you see the fear in all present.
without thinking about what happens Next, take him to the hospital, the Director Anzai is the only one to go in the ambulance that did not permit the other. Other members of the team sohoku still desperately,With Tears in their eyes, they do not have a misfortune, and before long they desperately seek where it could be your partner. Haruko learns that it's on the second floor and communicates immediately, however denied the passage there are many, so can only pass One.
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