Two months had passed since the accident with yingmuhuadao Kainan, and still not Wake Up, however since a month ago that I Don't need a Respirator and the majority of his wounds were Healed with the exception of the head still continued with various dressings. However their peers even visited him often.His mother had appeared two months ago decided something very important that I would like to no one, and neither the friends of his son, then without telling anyone had already sold and bought a home in Tokyo to rehabilitate her son when she is near him
after two. And a half months, on a Friday, All Colleagues of Sakuragi,The Army also Sakuragi came to him for a long time which allowed visits to many people. They were all together when he entered the room, something caught their attention, that began to move frowning and trying to move the Arms and legs with much effort, with eyes closed, everyone ran to him, calling him by name,Then something unusual happened.
- Ahhh... My head - My Head Is Spinning and I can't See Well - Auch - Hurt Me Hands legs, I find it hard to open my eyes. - you hear me, Sakuragi, Said Haruko approaching him, in the same way, the other approached his friend
Happy. Finally after much effort yingmuhuadao, I Open My Eyes,Although not seen absolutely nothing when opened, closed with force the eyes but only heard Whispers of what appeared to be the Voices of people then realized that I was not alone, in an attempt to Force More closed his eyes to see a group of Boys and girls who were at his side, looking at him like a Bug.
- Weird. Sakuragi... Like these?- Said Haruko trying to touch the forehead. - who are you? - You Shied aside for not to touch him, and... Who are you all? - Voice replied with frightened and Angry. - but you said -- - I said we're your colleagues and friends. To see... - rukawa Said attracting him to direct, nor remember the - i - We're challenging Sakuragi.
- and who is this Sakuragi? - Wonder, which both are confused. - You fool! Said Mitsui - - Don't you know who you are and what happened.
Sakuragi could not together with all those Emotions he felt Giddy and covered the ears with forces and shouted that they were, but as they are, the doctor turned Pale, and, this collapsed.When the doctor saw what happened i reprimand and banned from the room Sakuragi. After twenty minutes came the mother of Sakuragi happy at the News and asked those present to leave, which they won, they all were watching what happened. His mother did not hesitate to do it, he was moved to Tokyo,That same afternoon, stay with the doctor to remove the Rehabilitation Centre and asked You Not to tell anyone his location; with the excuse that his son will forget everything that happened, he woke up his son after him pack and explained what had happened, The Cry a lot to know that his father had been dead ten years;Knowing that his mother convinced him that it was better to forget everything and start again. Not even a moment's hesitation and said it would with the Status of Living away for a year then she nodded, pleased, helped his son up and left in a taxi, leaving everything behind.
all the team who went to visit him to explain what happened,Were to ask the reception and stayed with open mouth to know the mother of hanamichi took him without saying anything, even when they claimed they wanted to say where he was sent to Rehab. With a lot of frustration were all out in Silence, until someone broke the Silence.- I did what you said - All turned to see Professor Anzai standing in front of him with a serious expression, but then switched to a Smile - Boys who Sakuragi is gone, but that doesn't mean to get so I'm sure it will be fine, as this your mother... - All looked at him with sadness and down the floor, however, he's not to blame.Because he does not remember anything; Why must so easily accessible.
- Professor - "Akagi - What are we to do now in the team, but don't want to admit it, Direct it was important for the team, The Coach looked him straight in the eyes. - Don't worry, we'll soon Find a solution to this - Miro the other,Were downcast and the face full of frustration, boys from now on, we must work hard to get away. - Yeah! - cried all - Trust You? - they said in Unison.
... Since that time half a year passed, and still knew nothing of him, had to train hard enough, were both physically and mentally.Rukawa was the Star of the team as he was and still had its admirers RU Ka WA, without mentioning other there also loves him. Miyagi, Mitsui, Akagi and all other also improved a lot, even improving their Weaknesses, they were ready for the regional Tournament of Kanagawa.
In the beginning of the first Matches were played with a pretty weak, therefore won 102 - 75 in favor of sohoku, without the need to involve all Parties and holders was, until as finalists were:
- sohoku vs. Kainan and... - ryonan vs takezato
. The latter seemed strange to come so far so they decided to go to watch the game.For what they knew was limited to a strong Defense, but the defensive were weak and lacked powerful players. It was the Sabbath Day
this game, so After School, All gathered at the train station, take the train that would take a few steps ryonan Institute.We all SAT near Team within that strange to see the changes, both players and Strategies, rukawa also went with them out of Curiosity. No More no more teams began to leave.
- Finally, we are going –MIRO Said Ryota - all players takezono, however one was not for nothing that player known - look, guys, I Don't know,I think that is new, he said staring intently.
- it is true i do not know - Mitsui Said, looking at him and realized that he had the Number Ten in the back - What Chance, guys... That boy has the same number as Sakuragi after it hit since long ago decided internally. Not to mention the
.- You Don't remember what we talked about half a year ago, Akagi Mitsui hit him in the head.
I over time I also came out, looked at him with eyes of repentance - Okay Sorry, "He said, looking away, not wanting to look at this rukawa, noting his gaze
, gave a Snort. - Guys, look - Ayako showed them how the Number Ten warmed in Unusual ways.But Strangely familiar, really seems to be special, since it is very agile and skilled.
all looked expectantly to see the Boy Who Speaks, and was a skilled but was not even looked at the crowd, All the team members wanted but could not see his face, because he had a Hat On,All I could see was his Dark Hair and was very similar to that of rukawa, but maintained the hope that he would start the game but it was not so.
apparently had many admirers, and all of their Institute supported him, but didn't Say his name; his cries were: "Number Ten",Then the left index finger in response and All Crazy, much more fans. Even with the Hat I played quite well. However in a Neglect sendho i pushed very hard, so her hat flew off, and fell under the basket.
I didn't mean to push you, excuse me, offered his hand to stand, in addition to a smile
.- hit the sendho and hand him back an angry look.
- is not to make you hate me for a push, "He said, taking his hat to return it.
- He snatches the CAP of the hands and the carry, is given to a partner, because must throw the free kick which require it.
- subject,Reminds me of rukawa - saying that is placed underneath the basket if Rebound.
- Number Ten of the team takezato, corresponds to a free kick, The Referee Said, looking at the boy. - Yeah. - answers, taking the ball in his hands, but his position is the sohoku.
- that is not the position in the direct - He says Miyagi.Then the boy ends up cleanly, with it the first time, All are surprised.
to score the team takezato launches to congratulate him, and for the first time in the game you can see the face of the boy, the sohoku Team does not know what to say, because the truth is familiar to them. They all feel that feeling, but said nothing.Soon hear the girls off their backs, "very attractive", and also several Sighs do not wait, Boys sohoku Fall Back. At the beginning of the second part number 10 scored all the Baskets, All excited, however, did something unusual,Beside the benches did step backwards of Michael Jackson with the feet after a Spin and become hard and then standing with legs crossed like arms with the CAP a Little Down. Seeing that the crowd went Crazy after listening to Whispers: "This is the first time that the Number Ten puts attention to the public which supportsYou must be enjoying much
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